“Holy Ghost”
Frozene Lott Hayes
LotHay Music (2018)
Available on iTunes
By Bob Marovich
You can be certain that a song titled “Holy Ghost” is going to be a church burner, and Frozene Hayes delivers on this promise.
Supported by a chugging band and a choir of BGVs, Hayes sings about the exhilaration of salvation like a veteran church soloist. She has that deliciously raspy alto voice that can make “Happy Birthday to You” sound sanctified.
She sang a live version of “Holy Ghost” at last month’s Rhythm of Gospel Awards, where it was named Traditional Song of the Year. It brought the house down.
A former native of Wisconsin now living in the Nashville area, Frozene Lott Hayes was named 2018 Rhythm of Gospel Artist of the Year. She has established a scholarship foundation (www.bobcatandgoat.com) to honor her two sons who were killed in 2006, just six months apart: one to an act of violence and another to an automobile accident.