“Open Up the Windows of Heaven”
Lucinda Marie
Independent (release date: August 10, 2021)
By Robert M. Marovich
Lucinda Marie, the self-described “former pastor’s wife,” puts on her stylish shouting shoes, lifts the hem of her long dress ever so slightly, and holy dances through this up-tempo piece.
The lyrics, which quote from Malachi 3:10, provide Lucinda and her background vocalists plenty of room for call-and-response. She starts the long vamp with “Fill my cup” and it leads to plaudits abundant. A real stomper in the finest perspiration-drenched church-wrecking tradition.
From Austin, Texas, Lucinda Marie (Taylor) has a Ph.D. and by day is a school principal in Oakland, California.
The post JGM Pick of the Week October 25, 2021 appeared first on The Journal of Gospel Music.