Bishop Larry Trotter & Sweet Holy Spirit Choir
From the forthcoming album Restored
By Bob Marovich
Bishop Larry Trotter and the choir of his Sweet Holy Spirit Church on Chicago’s Southeast side offer encouragement in the full-throated, hand-clapping, church-wrecking style emblematic of the Windy City gospel choir sound.
In a sandpaper-rough baritone, Trotter sings about “heartaches and pains,” as the choir answers him with a reassuring “alright, it’s gonna be alright.” But it’s the fiery vocalist Betty Lott who sells the song. She works the audience and duets with Trotter as, with the choir, they interpolate a bit of Dianne Williams’ famous vamp on “Jesus Can Work it Out” at the end.
Having contracted and recovered from COVID-19, as well as from bouts with cancer, Trotter knows a thing or two about victory. So does Betty Lott, I’m sure. Everyone has a testimony.
The post JGM Pick of the Week: September 7, 2020 appeared first on The Journal of Gospel Music.